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Lance Armstrong Foundtation Logo
song info
Wykonawca: Lara Fabian tytu³: Bridge of hope
album:  rok:autor tekstu: 

Verse 1:
I want to believe
that my prayers are being heard,
but lately it seems
they have all been wasted words.

How many prayers will it take,
how many tears must we cry
till we can walk across that bridge of hope
to peace on the other side.

Verse 2:
I know we could change
the sadness into smiles
if we could all see the world
through the eyes of a child.


If everybody has the same thoughts
and everybody shares the same dream,
can't we get together
and make this world a better place?

Verse 3:
I had a dream
all our hatred turned into love
and every river of tears
dried up into dust,
every woman and man
standing side by side.
Then we walked across that bridge of hope
to peace on the other side.


Verse 1:......


Can we walk across that bridge of hope
and find peace, sweet peace
on the other side?

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